About Us

Energy, whether it is personal energy or the space that surrounds us, it is important for creating the vibration we must embrace. 

Zen - Originating out of the Japanese school of Buddhism that involves intensive periods of meditation on bodily sensations and the nature of the mind, Zen describes the peace and serenity that arises with present moment awareness and mindfulness.

 Zest - To be at your best!  Equally, Zen and Zest are needed to create balance, and the infinity to bring you full circle. 

Those Zen moments of calm and relaxation can be elevated to a mindful and attentive energy that is invigorating and full of Zest. 

Our collection of candles and soaps have been carefully curated to contribute to your journey.  We hope to continually expand our product line with special scented candles, fragrant soaps and oils that captivate you and bring energy into the space you occupy and share.

At Zen II Zest, our goal is to create a Mindful Elevation from Calm to Attentive Energy.